Steel Bending | Barbados Vocational Training Board

About Us

Vision Statement

To be a vocational training institution delivering world-class programmes driven by a customer-focused commitment to excellence.

Mission Statement

Provide globally-recognized vocational trianing that empowers graduates to perform competently in the marketplace.

Programmes Offered

The Skills Training Programme is a modular, competency-based training programme committed to providing training to young Barbadians that equips them with employable and marketable job skills in a variety of occupational trades.

The Evening Programme is a modular training programme designed to cater to persons whether employed or unemployed.

The Apprenticeship Programme is work-based. Young people can work as they learn through practical on-the-job training and theoretical training at an approved educational institution.

The In-Plant Training Programme is designed as a scheme by which organisations can obtain training for persons at various levels of their workforce.

Admissions & Registration Policy


Applicants must be at least sixteen (16) years with some prior formal education to be accepted on the BVTB Skills Training Programme except for the Bar and Restaurant Services and vehicle operations courses. Applicants must be eighteen (18) years or older to be eligible to apply for these courses. This stipulation is in accordance with Section 57 of the Liquor Licence Act of Barbados for the Bar and Restaurant Services course. The Skills Training Programme is free to all Barbadian nationals. Non-nationals are required to pay a course fee and must have an approved study status from the Barbados Immigration Department.


Applicants must be at least sixteen (16) years old with some prior formal education. Applicants may identify an employer who agrees to train them in their chosen trade, or they may request assistance from the BVTB in finding a suitable employer. Applicants must be willing to enter a contractual relationship with the employer as outlined in the Laws of Barbados Cap 42 on Apprenticeship and meet the employer's standards.


Applicants must be at least sixteen (16) years old and are assigned places within the programme on a first-come, first-served basis. Persons who have applied need to confirm their registration by paying the relevant course fee. Applicants who have not gained a place on the course for which they have applied will be required to re-apply for the next available programme.


Employers wishing to access training through the In-Plant Programme should communicate the request in writing to the Director of Training. If the programme that the client is interested in is not readily available, a new course is developed for the programme.