Auto Mechanics - Advanced
This course is designed to educate the participant who is desirous of being able to identify and make repairs to a vehicle. Participants will gain knowledge of engine maintenance, engine tuning, brakes and auto-electricity.
Prerequisite: Auto Mechanics - Beginners
Latest Course Information
Jan 29, 2025
Duration:12 weeks
Time:5:30pm - 8:30pm
Tutor:Mr. Bushell
Course Fee:$390.00
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a few FAQs pertaining to this programme or course:
- Will I receive a certificate?
On successful completion of a programme, you will receive a certificate. Successful completion requires a stipulated attendance and competency level.
- Does the Barbados Vocational Training Board provide financial assistance for applicants?
No, although in extreme cases referrals are made to external agencies on the behalf of the student.
- What types of programmes are offered?
Evening programme courses are practical, hands-on classes designed to give the participant experience to undertake projects. For a full list of programmes offered, please see our Evening Programmes section.
Training Centres
This course is held at the following training centre(s):
C. Lomer Alleyne Skills Training Centre
The CLA centre is where most of the Board’s Evening programmes are held. It is known for its Agricultural and Engineering programmes. CLA is the BVTB’s largest centre and it continues to be expanded.
I enjoyed being involved in the Apprenticeship Programme – both the theoretical and practical component. The experience was worthwhile, as I was able to acquire a skill and also further my studies.
Jason Haynes
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technician at A-Con Air Conditioning Consultants Inc.