Auto Electronics - Advanced
This course is designed for persons with auto-mechanical knowledge who wish to gain skills in the area of automotive electronics. Persons will be taught the use of engine mangement system to
pinpoint problems such as faults in the steering, transmission or any other major area in the car where the problems may occur.
Pre-requisite: Auto Electronics - Beginners
Latest Course Information
Jan 30, 2025
Duration:12 weeks
Time:5:30 - 8:30pm
Tutor:Mr D Fullerton
Course Fee:$480.00
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a few FAQs pertaining to this programme or course:
- How much is the stipend?
The stipend is calculated based on attendance. If all sessions are attended, the stipend is $125.00 per week and it is paid every two weeks.
- Is there a job attachment involved?
During training some persons are sent on job attachment. Selection for job attachment is determined by the trainee’s performance, attitude, and behaviour as well as the availability of spaces at participating companies.
- What do I receive at the end of the Apprenticeship programme?
You will receive a Certificate of Apprenticeship. Note that in order to receive certification persons must have completed both the practical and theoretical aspects of their training programme. Certification is based on attendance, the completion of the skills, tasks and competencies listed in the scheme of training and the submission of relevant records from the employer and the approved academic institution.
Training Centres
This course is held at the following training centre(s):
St. Lukes Skills Training Centre
This centre is located at the old St. Luke’s Girl’s school and offers classes in Carpentry, Plumbing, Auto Electronics and other disciplines.
I found my apprenticeship to be beneficial and I gained experience in the Autobody trade. I would recommend the programme to others. Having completed my Apprenticeship, I continue to work as an Autobody Technician at Collision One.
Michael Harewood
Autobody Technician at Collision One