Garment Making - Beginners
In this course participants will learn to draft patterns, cut, and assemble garments.
Topics include blouses, various types of skirts and dresses.
Sewing experience would be an asset, although not a prerequisite.
Latest Course Information
Jan 30, 2025
Duration:12 Weeks
Tutor:Ms. Burrowes
Course Fee:$360.00
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a few FAQs pertaining to this programme or course:
- How much is the stipend?
The stipend is calculated based on attendance. If all sessions are attended, the stipend is $125.00 per week and it is paid every two weeks.
- What is the Admissions Policy for Evening programmes?
Applicants must be at least sixteen (16) years old and are assigned places within the programme on a first-come, first-served basis. Persons who have applied need to confirm their registration by paying the relevant course fee. Applicants who have not gained a place on the course for which they have applied will be required to re-apply for the next available programme.
- How long is the Apprenticeship Programme?
The apprenticeship contract is usually for a period of three years although some exemptions can be made to shorten the period of training if the apprentice has already completed some theoretical or practical training at an approved institution. Exemptions are subject to the Director’s discretion.
Training Centres
This course is held at the following training centre(s):
All Saints Skills Training Centre
The All Saints Centre is known for its Bar and Restaurant Services, International Cooking and Garment Making programmes. It has modern cooking facilities, as well as a gazebo-styled bar and restaurant and a garment-making room equipped for the training of industrial sewing machine operators.
My experience at Structural Systems has been a positive one. My supervisors were helpful throughout the practical training. The Apprenticeship Programme allowed me to further my welding studies, more specifically at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic. Currently, I am attending at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic where I am studying Electrical Installation. My manager, supervisor and my workmates at Structural Systems are supporting me in my studies.
I would advise any youngster, who wants to acquire skills to apply at the Barbados Vocational Training Board and attend the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic. My advice would be get a skill and “keep off the block”.
Jason Pinder
Welder at Structural Systems Limited